The youngest of the McCobb offspring, Lil Morty!
Author: grimm
Still more McCobb: Punkin
Corny’s oldest child, Punkin “Patches” McCobb, steals all the boy’s hearts. . .
More McCobb: Claire D. Loon
Corny’s sister-in-law, Claire D. Loon, occasionally likes to drop in for a visit.
Meet the McCobbs: Corny McCobb
I got inspired this week by an offhand comment that Mort Todd made about unused horror host names. post and the following are the results! The McCobb Family! we start off with the pater horribilis, Cornelius F. “Corny” McCobb. . .
Cities of Night review
did this for Phil Nutman a few years ago. Cities of Night limited edition HC review by Jason Foster Cities of Night By Philip Nutman “Oh, the passenger, How, how he rides Oh, the passenger, He rides and he rides He looks through his window What does he see?” The Passenger, Iggy Pop I first… Continue reading Cities of Night review
Early Kills: The God of War
This was written as a submission to a college paper of some sort. I don’t remember exactly how it came about. Don’t think it ever saw print, although the editor claimed to like it. It’s inspired by Jack Kirby’s Orion character from the New Gods series. This was dedicated to Jack’s memory. The God of… Continue reading Early Kills: The God of War
Early Kills: Morpheus
Done around the same time as The Portrait, Morpheus was a slightly different take on the Sandman concept. I may reuse this for a Gaunt story down the line. Morpheus (Sep. 14, 1992) Susan sat up in bed and waited. She was an incurable insomniac. Tonight, that would change. She could feel it. Someone was… Continue reading Early Kills: Morpheus
Early Kills: The Portrait
This was my next attempt at writing. I had some free periods during the school day, so I attempted to write something more along the lines of what I was into. (which was a lot of Lovecraft at this time) It’s not terribly original, but I enjoyed doing it at the time. The Portrait (… Continue reading Early Kills: The Portrait
Early Kills: Jayne’s Dead Dog
So, this is my very first attempt at sitting down and writing a story. It’s not very long, it’s probably not very good. lol. I was in high school, and I’d just started getting into this whole punk rock thing. I was trying to figure out what it was all about, and attempted to write… Continue reading Early Kills: Jayne’s Dead Dog
Bad Intentions Stage 3
and here’s part of three. BI Stage 3 by George/Foster Page one Splash. We open on Quinn running out from under the bridge, still carrying his mag lite and bayonet. Around one of Quinn’s ankles is a ghoul hand, clamped tightly and broken off at the wrist. The pack of ghouls is pouring out from… Continue reading Bad Intentions Stage 3