By J. Foster and M.F. Troy Page 1 Splash page. Baroness Blood is surrounded by Baron Gestapo’s forces. BB has a defiant look on her face. Caption: Special Agent Griffin Reins reporting in. I have completed initial surveillance on group known as “Der Nachtmenschen.” Here is what I have discovered. Caption 2: The leader of… Continue reading Der Nachtmenschen
Author: grimm
Shadow Ridge: Afterbirth
Page 1 Panel 1 Darkness. Caption: “I ain’t gonna lie to you, boy.” Panel 2 A small light appears in the midst of the darkness. Caption: “This is gonna hurt.” Panel 3 The light begins to grow larger. Caption: “A lot.” Page 2 Full page. The light is glowing huge now. Title: Shadow Ridge Chapter… Continue reading Shadow Ridge: Afterbirth
Happy New Fear!
Working on the site
just playing around with some different themes and such. not really happy with it so far. gonna keep looking around until I find something I like.
The Red Ghost of Arizona
I saw this on an episode of Mysteries at the Museum last year. the whole thing was fascinating, and I was reminded of it on the Texas episode of Ten Things You Don’t Know. . . I’ve been in a bit of a Western frame of mind recently, and I thought this would make for… Continue reading The Red Ghost of Arizona
Protected: Shadow Ridge Chapter 1
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Wally Wood method for writing/designing comics
(a) Work with pencil on 8 1/2” x 11” typing paper (to approximate the size of a comic book page). (b) Conceive a main visual or peak action for each page. Then write the rest of the page around it. In layouts, this visual could dominate the page. (c) Forget about tricky layouts — since… Continue reading Wally Wood method for writing/designing comics
digging up and working on an old story script from 1994. Opening scene. It is the middle 1800’s. Outside of a half-ruined Germanic castle, which is situated at the top of a hill. It is night and a storm is coming on. At the foot of the hill, a young man in a tattered military… Continue reading Untitled
Arrow trading cards
TROY LOWE:Annie Oakley, Buster Crabbe’s Swimming Pool, Chick Spark, Bo (& friend), Danny Blaze FRANK STRYSIK:Nurse Betsy Crane MORT TODD:Winnie The Witch, Countess Von Bludd, (group card) Mr. Dedd & Impy (group card) Arachne, The Old Witch, The Sentinels JIM FRANKENSTEIN:Yellowjacket WILL MEIUGNIOT:Mercury Man, Nature Boy DAN TAYLOR:Countess Von Bludd CHRIS ECKER:Mr. Muscles MARK MARTIN:Jonnie… Continue reading Arrow trading cards
Thor in comics Thor bestows his powers upon Grant Farrel, believing the world needs a defender. Ditko’s “Hammer of Thor” Fairey Tales Fenton aka “Thor” foe of the Golden Age Sandman Batman #127 Batman and Robin encounter Thor in Finger and Moldoff’s “Hammer of Thor” first depiction of Thor as blond? 1872 painting “Thor… Continue reading Thor in comics